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Common conversions

This category helps the user to do angle conversions and number to/from text conversions.

Angle conversion

Angles can either be expressed in degrees or in radians. A circle describes an angle of 360 degrees or 2π radians. Similarly, a semicircle describes an angle of 180 degrees or π radians.

If you use trigonometric functions like the sine or the cosine, you will need to express the angles in radians. Use ToRad or ToDeg in numerical expressions to convert degrees to radians or radians to degrees.


Angles can be negative too. For example, -90 degrees is equal to 270 degrees.

Number to/from text conversions

For a string field, only a text can be filled in the field. Similarly, only a number can be filled in a text field.

To input a string in a numerical expression, you can convert it to number using the "Text > Number" expression. If the string input contains alphabetical characters or any other character than numeric characters, the expression will return "NaN", i.e. not a number.

To input a number in string expression, you can use the "Number > Text" expression. If the number used is greater than or equal to 1e+21, the expression returns its value in scientific notation.