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The Tilemap object can be used to display tile-based objects. It's a good way to create maps for RPG, strategy games or create objects by assembling tiles, useful for platformer, retro-looking games, etc... Read more explanations about it.

Tilemap collision mask

Invisible object handling collisions with parts of a tilemap.

Object actions

Change the height of an object.

Modify the scale of the specified object.

Scale on X axis
Change the width's scale of an object.

Scale on Y axis
Change the height's scale of an object.

Tilemap JSON file
Set the JSON file containing the Tilemap data to display. This is usually the JSON file exported from Tiled.

Tileset JSON file
Set the JSON file with the tileset data (sometimes that is embedded in the Tilemap, so not needed)

Change the width of an object.

Object conditions

Scale on X axis
Compare the width's scale of an object.

Scale on Y axis
Compare the height's scale of an object.

Tilemap JSON file
Check the Tilemap JSON file being used.

Tileset JSON file
Check the tileset JSON file being used.

Object expressions

Expression Description
Object.ScaleX() Return the width's scale of an object.
Object.ScaleY() Return the height's scale of an object.


Displays a tiled-based map, made with the Tiled editor ( or the LDtk editor (

Object actions

Change the height of an object.

Modify the scale of the specified object.

Animation speed (FPS)
Set the animation speed of the Tilemap.

Animation speed scale
Set the animation speed scale of the Tilemap.

Display mode
Set the display mode

Layer index
Set the layer index of the Tilemap.

Tilemap file (Tiled or LDtk)
Set the Tiled or LDtk file containing the Tilemap data to display. This is usually the main file exported from Tiled/LDtk.

Tileset JSON file
Set the JSON file with the tileset data (sometimes that is embeded in the Tilemap, so not needed)

Scale on X axis
Change the width's scale of an object.

Scale on Y axis
Change the height's scale of an object.

Change the width of an object.

Object conditions

Animation speed (FPS)
Compare the animation speed.

Animation speed scale
Compare the animation speed scale.

Display mode
Compare the value of the display mode.

Layer index
Compare the value of the layer index.

Level index
Compare the level index being displayed..

Scale on X axis
Compare the width's scale of an object.

Scale on Y axis
Compare the height's scale of an object.

Tilemap file (Tiled or LDtk)
Check the tilemap file (Tiled or LDtk) being used.

Tileset JSON file
Check the tileset JSON file being used.

Object expressions

Expression Description
Object.AnimationFps() Get the animation speed (in frames per second)
Object.AnimationSpeedScale() Get the Animation speed scale
Object.LayerIndex() Get the layer index being displayed
Object.LevelIndex() Return the level index being displayed..
Object.ScaleX() Return the width's scale of an object.
Object.ScaleY() Return the height's scale of an object.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Tilemap feature of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop features here.